Article I. NAME
The name of this student organization shall be the American Library Association Student Chapter at the University of South Florida, hereafter referred to as ALA at USF.
The purpose and goals of this student organization are to:
- Facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association,
Increase awareness and use of the resources of the American Library Association, including publications, promotional materials, scholarships, and conferences.
Provide a local forum for the focus and exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession.
- Develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession.
- Promote and support involvement in professional activities.
- Increase awareness of national issues in libraries and information studies.
- Attend University functions to promote the University.
- Attend community functions to promote the University.
- Work with the School of Information (SI) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) to support SI and CAS student recruitment, retention, and financial support.
Organizational affiliation is: The American Library Association
Requirement for Membership
Only undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at the University of South Florida are eligible for membership. 100% of active membership must be University of South Florida students and open to all students. Associate members may be University of South Florida faculty, staff, or alumni and spouses and domestic partners of student members. These associate members shall not be given the rights and privileges of active USF students including but not limited to voting rights, use of facilities, or equipment, and/or benefits from student-funded resources.
Length of Term for Membership
Membership will take effect when an interested party confirms membership on the organization roster. Active membership continues for one (1) academic school year or until an individual has been removed by the organization. Associative membership continues until either the individual withdraws or has been removed by the organization.
Requirements for Continued Membership
Members are required to uphold the objectives, purpose of the organization, and to comply with University policies. They must also be currently enrolled students. These are the only requirements for membership.
Specifications for the Removal of Members from the Group
If any member fails to uphold the purpose and objectives of the organization, does not meet membership requirements, or does not comply with University policies, he/she/they may be held accountable and in jeopardy of losing their membership. The reason for the removal of members must be presented to the Executive Board. Written notification shall then be presented with reason for removal to the member in question. The member in question has the right to speak to the board on their own behalf. Then, a vote is taken, and he/she/they may be removed by a 2/3's vote of the Executive board.
Voting Rights
Only Active USF students in the organization have voting rights. Non-USF students do not have voting rights.
No local dues, fees, assessments, donations, or other charges are levied for membership.
Article V. QUORUM
A quorum shall be composed of 50% + 1 of current, active voting members. Quorum must be present for any vote to take place on organization issues or amendments to this constitution.
The required officer positions include President, Vice President, and Treasurer. These officers are elected to serve one (1) academic school year term. These positions are included in the Executive Board. Optional officer positions include Secretary, Webmaster, Archivist, and Marketing & Outreach Chair. Additional officer positions may be created by a majority vote of the Executive Board to serve the organization. Optional officers are elected to serve a one (1) academic school year term. The duties and titles of these offices will be created and established in the organizational bylaws.
An Executive Board comprised of Officers will govern the activities of the organization, and the specific duties of the Officers will be as follows:
- President: shall preside over meetings, oversee organizational functions, and act as a primary University liaison.
- Vice President: shall assist the President with his/her/their duties and preside over the organization in the President's absence.
- Treasurer: shall receive, dispatch, and keep accurate records of all financial matters regarding the organization and submit the organization's annual budget to Student Government for A&S allocation.
- Secretary: shall record, keep, and make available copies of the meeting minutes, and dispatch correspondence related to the student organization.
- Webmaster: shall create and maintain as necessary the ALA at USF Student Chapter online platforms, including the BullsConnect and Canvas platforms.
- Archivist: shall document the events and activities of the ALA at USF Student Chapter and preserve and organize existing historical documents and information regarding the history of the organization as related to the Student Chapter.
- Marketing & Outreach Chair: shall communicate information about the ALA at USF Student Chapter, its mission, and upcoming events. Makes flyers and other promotional materials for events, programs, and posts these on the social media platforms of the organization.
All USF students who are registered members of the organization must be allowed to run for an E-Board/Officer position regardless of college/major.
Committees may be created as necessary by the President for specific events and projects not to last longer than the current officer term. Each committee will have a chair, as appointed by the President. Any member or officer may be selected as a committee chair. Any number of members may be on a committee.
The elections for officers for the forthcoming year will take place in the month of August. Any student member may campaign or be nominated for any position on the Executive Board.
The President must notify members of the election timeline and nomination process at least two weeks prior to the elections meeting. Nominations may be sent in advance to the President or taken during the election meeting.
Elections are conducted via a survey, shared via email, on ALA at USF's Canvas Page and/or on the social media platforms of ALA at USF. On the election survey, candidates will be allowed to share a short bio about themselves and why they are running for the position, if they choose. In the event of a tie, a run-off election survey between those candidates who tied will take place the week following the election. If a tie remains, the highest-ranking outgoing officer not involved in the run-off will make the final decision. No member can be elected to more than one position on the Executive Board at one time.
New officers take office at the last meeting of the semester in which the elections take place and remain in office until the next election.
If a position remains unfilled after the elections process, the newly elected President will appoint a member to the position or re-assign duties to another officer.
In the event that a required officer position becomes vacant, an election to fill that position will automatically occur. In the event the President's position is vacated, the Vice President takes on the interim responsibilities of the President until the next election cycle.
All other vacant officer positions will be nominated by the membership and voted on in accordance with Article VII. In this case, the victor will take office immediately following the election and will fulfil the term of the officer that is being replaced.
After serving their first term, officers may run for reelection of their current position or may run for any other officer positions. There are no term limits for any of the officer positions.
If an officer fails to maintain enrollment in the University, he/she/they shall resign immediately.
If it is believed that an officer fails to uphold the purpose and objectives of the organization, to fulfill the duties of the office, to meet membership requirements, or comply with University policies, he/she/they may be removed from office. Any member of the organization may exercise the options in this article for removal of officers.
One option is a petition signed by at least half of the voting membership or Executive Board requesting his, her, or their removal. The petition must be verified for validity by the Executive Board if signed by the voting membership or the organization advisor if signed by the Executive Board.
A second option is to bring forth a vote of 'no confidence' and written rationale to the Executive Board. A copy of the 'no confidence' written rationale must be submitted to and verified by the organization advisor. Either option must be presented at a general meeting or Executive Board meeting depending on the origin. The officer in question must receive at least two written notifications. Then, another meeting shall be held at which the grievance will be presented, with both sides having the opportunity to present a case.
The Advisor, if appropriate, shall preside over the removal hearing. After all arguments have been heard, a secret ballot vote shall be conducted. If at least two-thirds of the voting members present vote for removal, the officer shall be removed immediately.
Removed officer positions will be filled in accordance with Article VII, Section F.
Officers are free to voluntarily resign at any time if they so choose.
Article IX. ADVISOR(S)
A full-time USF faculty or staff member advising as part of their position responsibilities will serve as Advisor to the organization.
Nominations for Advisor will take place within the Executive Board. An Advisor will be chosen within two weeks of a vacancy. The Executive Board will choose the Advisor by a majority vote and invite him/her/them to serve as Advisor for the academic year.
During officer elections, the organization will vote on whether to continue the Advisor appointment or not. The vote must be a majority of those voting in order to retain the Advisor for the next academic year.
The duties of the Advisor include meeting with organization officers, reviewing the yearly budget, signing all required paperwork, and advising on issues of risk management, organization leadership, and USF policy.
The Advisor can be removed for not carrying out the duties and expectations as defined in this document. Any member can bring concerns to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will meet with the Advisor to discuss the concerns. After this meeting, the Executive Board will vote on whether to remove the Advisor. If there is a majority vote, then the Advisor will be removed.
If an Advisor steps down, is removed, or is not re-appointed, the Executive Board will follow the process stated in Article IX, B.
The President and Executive Board shall determine the time and place of General meetings by majority vote. The Executive Board shall determine the frequency, time, and place to meet for Executive Board meetings by majority vote. Members shall be notified with reasonable notice of the time and place before a meeting occurs.
Special meetings may be called upon by any Executive Board member and require at least 48- hour notice for all members.
The officer transitions meeting will be held within at least 2 weeks following the election of new officers.
Meetings shall be run according to Robert's Rules of Order ( Robert's Rules of Order will be used in instances not covered in this constitution.
Amendments to the constitution shall be submitted by members of this organization to the Executive Board in writing for consideration.
Written notification of the proposed amendment to all voting members must be made by mail or email, at least two weeks in advance of any vote on changes in the constitution.
A two-thirds vote of members present will be required for adoption.
Amendments are subject to the approval by the department of the organization's specific campus that manages student organizations.
"This organization prohibits its members, both individually and collectively from committing any acts of hazing as defined herein:
"Hazing" as defined by §1006.63, Florida Statutes, means any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of a postsecondary institution, regardless of a person's willingness to participate. "Hazing" includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing the student into violating state or federal law; any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or other substance; or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the student; and also includes any activity that would subject the student to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, or other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the student. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions or any activity or conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective.
In addition to Florida Statutes §1006.63, hazing as defined by the USF system also includes, but is not limited to, the forced use of alcohol; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; physical and psychological shocks; deception; verbal abuse; personal servitude; kidnapping; deprivation of privileges granted to others in the organization by use of force or duress; and any other activities which are contrary to academic achievement, the stated purpose of the local and/or (inter)national organization, and/or the mission, policies or regulations of the USF system or applicable state law."
The organization agrees to abide by Florida State Statute #1006.63 regarding hazing. Furthermore, the organization agrees to abide by all Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement policies as outlined in the student handbook, to check the organization's mailbox regularly, to communicate via email upon request, and to update the organization's records whenever there is a change.
If this organization applies for funding through the Activity and Service funding process within Student Government, this organization agrees to abide by all Student Government policies.