About Us

The USF Community Music Project supports our community's children and adults of all ages and levels to experience and grow through music. We believe that music is essential and transforms lives:

┬À We foster engagement with music and the arts through cultivating skills, understanding, and artistry

┬À We offer equitable and inclusive music making and learner-centered arts experiences

┬À We promote social and emotional connections between music creation, consumption, and the human condition

Through the Community Music Project, USF Artist-Faculty and USF music majors offer private lessons, classes, workshops, and events for everyone interested in enjoying and creating music. These opportunities are available for students of nearly all ages (6 and higher) and all levels, ranging from complete beginners through very advanced.

Upcoming Events

Members Benefits

Classes and lessons are available for students of nearly all ages (6 and higher) and all levels, ranging from complete beginners through very advanced. Classes begin each semester and run for 10 weeks, but lessons are available to begin at any time.









Exclusive Resources

Get our newsletter and stay in the loop: coming soon!

Follow us on Instagram @usfcommunitymusic

Francesca Arnone Profile

Francesca Arnone

Primary Contact
Kimberly Vega Profile

Kimberly Vega

Additional Staff


USF Community Music Project

4202 E Fowler Ave
Tampa FL 33620
United States