Hey NSBE fam! We have another exciting weekly volunteering opportunity with G3 Life Applications for anyone interested.
It will be a summer camp-like program every Saturday (Starting this Week) from 11am-2pm at the Springhill Park Community Center. Please fill out the appropriate form in our Linktree to sign up or request a carpool (minimum 48 hours in advance), and we will try to help you find a ride! As always, let us know if you have any questions.
Instagram: @usfnsbe
Email: torch.usf.nsbe@gmail.com
Here's the Link Here for Saturday Volunteering: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD6T9cKyQ6d23jH4wwIDyOXWXO0lJTCytTizr7fVQ-Az7g5A/viewform