Student Organization - Recreational, Campus - Tampa, Sports Club, GRSO
Website Mission
Group Not Registered Yet
Mission Our mission as a part of the Water Polo Club here at USF is to spread awareness to the often overlooked sport of water polo. We intend to expand the knowledge of this sport, as well as encourage others to get out of their comfort zone and try something they've never tried before! By doing this, we will create a trusting, hardworking, and integrative group of individuals that will hopefully carry their knowledge and abilities within this sport to help teach others. We promote student interaction and health on campus by participating in the sport of water polo. The club allows for many opportunities to compete. We practice year- round with athletes of all skill levels. The goals of USF Water Polo Club are to provide athletes off all skills and experience levels a place to get into shape and to learn to play the game of water polo. Students will be exposed to and trained in the sport of water polo, swimming, and will be encouraged to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership