Student Organization - Campus - Tampa, Campus - USF Health MCOM, Academic - Organization, USSO
Website Mission
Group Not Registered Yet
Mission USF Surgical Interest Group is committed to promoting surgery as a career, enhancing surgical education, and providing aspiring student surgeons with a platform to interact with surgical alumni and practicing surgeons. It further aims to establish a shadowing program to match students with residents and attendings willing to facilitate clinical exposure. A variety of surgeons are invited to speak about their specialties, career tracks, and family life. Opportunities are also available to learn basic surgical skills and techniques, as well as to volunteer in the community. Meetings and skills labs are held every month. Please become a member to keep informed about the many opportunities the Surgical Interest Group has to offer.Please note that Surgical Interest Group - CORE is the sole surgical interest group at USF and is open to all medical students in both the CORE and SELECT programs. The prior "Surgical Interest Group" page is no longer active.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership