Student Organization - Campus - Tampa, Campus - USF Health MCOM, Academic - Organization, USSO
Website Mission
Mission The Emergency Medicine Interest Group at the University of South Florida organizes events and activities which allow students to learn about and experience the many aspects of emergency medicine. Meetings are held quarterly and range in scope from lunch talks on Emergency Medicine Residencies to suture clinics. Membership is not limited to those planning a career in Emergency Medicine. All students with even a passing interest are invited and encouraged to attend our meetings.Be sure to join our Team!https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a07e5b09f160547288b79a1efd805fd53%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=6e420175-90bd-4479-bfe5-2cc29670f16f&tenantId=741bf7de-e2e5-46df-8d67-82607df9deaa
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership