Student Organization - Special Interest, Campus - Tampa, Philanthropy Low, Service - Low, GRSO
Website Mission
Mission The Agrarian Club is inspired by agrarian ideals, which are expressed in a devotion to the land (the place where we live) and the health of local ecologies of nature, economics, and culture. Those who support those ideals are agrarians - regardless of political or religious affiliation. Agrarians are naturally interested in sustainable local food production, the Agrarian Club is no exception. The Club works in conjunction with the Dept of Religious Studies and its program in Religion and Sustainability. There is a special focus on the department's courses in Religion and Food, its Service Learning course in Agrarianism and the Sacred, its ongoing support of the USF Botanical Gardens, and its dedicated vegetable production site at the Gardens. The Club welcomes students who are interested in joining with others to learn about vegetable gardening (growing their own food), local food systems, sustainable living, and promoting agrarian ideals. There is no explicit religious dimension to the Club, other than the fact that it is related to and occurs in the context of the RS Department's systems that relate to ecology, sustainability, and food study.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership